Friday, February 29, 2008


So, even though I don't start work until Monday, the kids had to start daycare this week. My confession is, although I miss the kids like crazy while they are gone, this was one of the best weeks! Did you know a cleaning job that might take you 6 hours one day, you can get done in about 2 if your kids are gone?! And today, was a stay-at-home Moms dream!..(and probably the working Moms dream for that matter!) This morning I dropped the kids off in the morning and spent 2 hours at the gym!! Then I came home and took a 45 minute bath with a diet coke and skinny cow!! For those of you who have never tried bathing with ice cream... I highly recommend it! Then I laid on the couch and caught up on all the trashy shows I've had recorded but have never had time to watch!! Ahhhh... what a day!


Brooke said...

Good for you! Everyone needs a mom day.

matt, camee, tyty, kaylee and jayce said...

yeah for mom days :-D good luck going back to work!!

Lindsay said...

All I can say is that you deserve it!! Oh and I am jealous. You cant beat a Diet Coke and a bath. Good luck this week "your first day on the job"

Thekrogwoman said...

You go girl!! That's awsome. Don't you love days like that. They don't happen very often, but when they do...ohhhhh. You deserve it! Good luck at work tomorrow!

Josh and Tracy Wilson said...

I am very jealous.... sounds like a fabulous day. I don't think I have had a day to myself in (let's see Daelyn is five) five years!!! Good luck going back to work!

Cynthia said...

i am so jealous!!!!

missy d said...

Lizz, you are too cute! You deserve every bit of that!

Joy said...

Boo on you and your fab daycare, Lizz. Don't worry that you are living my dream...

Anonymous said...

LOL...Lizz that rocks! I'm going to try skinny cow in the bath soon. HAHA.

Troy, Kristin, and Two Rug Rats said...

Hey I say soak it up. You won't have very many days like those once you start work, so enjoy while you can. Good luck with your new job. I promise it will be hard to leave your little ones sometimes, but just try to think that it is really good for them to get to be social with all of those other kids at day care. It is so good for them. And it'll be nice for you to be able to talk to adults once in awhile. Good Luck!

Nicole M said...

Wow, congrats on getting a job so quickly AND for the whole daycare thing! Things just work out how they're supposed to, don't they? That's so cliche, but it's true!!

Kelie said...

sounds wonderful!!! Hope work is going really well!

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA! That sounds so nice! Im laughing cause I do the same thing, as soon as Taya is down I run to the tv to watch my crap reality shows! HAHA!