Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Daddy Daughter Date!

The other day, Tony took Adalie to a University of Utah basketball game. Since he works at the paper, a photographer knew who he was and snapped these great photos for him!


Kimmmmmy said...

What great pictures. Those are just too cute. Looks like a great time for the two of them.

Lindsay Wright said...

That is too adorable for words. I bet she loved having a night out with her daddy!

Joy said...

Those are really precious!

Catherine said...

Those pictures are so sweet! What a fun keepsake. Your sugar cookies, by the way, just might be the cutest ones I have ever seen. You are so talented!

The Nye's said...


Anonymous said...

OMG! How stinkin cute! Tony you're a GREAT dad! :)

matt, camee, tyty, kaylee and jayce said...

oh my darling!! that is all i have to say!!!!! :)

Heather said...

Oh those are darling pictures!