Adalie is my fair complected red head. She was a very mellow baby. She hardly ever cried and always had a smile on her face. Although she was affectionate, she didn't always like to be held. She was and is a horrible eater!! She has her 4 staples which consist of peanut butter and jelly, chicken nuggets, cheese and yogurt! She had such bad "potty problems" she had to go to Primaries by the time she was 3 months old and still has problems. When she was about 9 months old, she would sit through an entire Baby Einstein and now would love to sit through 3 feature films in a row. She was walking by 12 months and had about 12 teeth. She was talking at the age of 16 months saying things like, Momma, Dadda, Nana, Papa and turtle (and a few other animals). She knew what sounds most animals made and could point to any letter of the alphabet you told her to.

Carson has much more of Tony's coloring and blond hair... which is another difference!... he has hair!! He had a rough start with his lungs, and had a double ear infection every single time I took him to the Drs since he was 2 weeks old! Therefore, he spent the first 10 months being a very ornery crying baby. Carson always wants to be held!! He is happy as can be if he is being held and he loves to cuddle! This kid is a garbage disposal! He will eat anything you put infront of him! He loves all vegetables, fish, meat, pastas, soups... pretty much anything! He also needs his diaper changed about 10 minutes after he eats anything! He will not sit through any type of show or movie for more than 4 minutes! Carson is 15 months old now and is STILL not walking! He didn't get his first tooth until he was 12 months old and will only say Dadda and woof woof. Other than that, he is fine with having no communication!
So, which of these two do you have? One of each? Are they both one way? I will say that they are now both very happy babies and both sleep very well! I'm glad they are both who they are and love my babies!!
Your kids are too cute, and I think that Rigby is a little of both your kids, He eats everything in site... but he also likes to watch his movies. But it has taken him a long time to be a good sleeper. He is good through the night but i can't get him to take a nap longer than 45 min, O well! We will play soon!
Cute pictures!
Your kids are so dang cute. I obviously dont have kids yet, but I would love to have one of each of your darling babies! WE STILL NEED TO GO TO LUNCH!!!!!!!
Gagers is a little of both. He is a cuddler (especially with Addie), but just recently has developed this independent streak.. it's his way or no way. He unfortunately isnt a garbage disposal.. unless you put a bag of marshmallows in front of him.. and he is content to watch most of a movie. You have such wonderful kids..I'm pretty sure it has a lot to do with who their mommy is.... love ya!
Just flip-flop the genders and those are mine to a t!!! Down to the 4 staple foods, those are Riley's! Reagan eats anything and just became a screaming baby last week...unless of course, she's being held! Oh, I'm glad I'm not alone.
So cute! I think it's super crazy you have complete opposites, but i guess that's how it works. Tess is pretty mellow. I have been super lucky. She is just along for the ride.
So I almost felt like you were describing my little girl Elyse as you described Addie. Maybe it's just their age, but Elyse's diet is about the same as Addie's minus the peanut butter. Oh but they are so much fun at this age aren't they? So I finally started my own blog, got it all fixed and it looks like I copied your background, but your title at the top looks so much better. Oh and I did purposely copy your baby count down thing. Thanks! Any way your kids are so cute, and I love your blog.
seriously your kids are so cute!!! I have to say that i think Ty is more like Addie! he is so happy and is active as can be. He will cuddle sometimes but is pretty independent. He loves baby Einstein and Little Eintein, too :o) he has 12 teeth and loves to jabber!! the one thing Carson and Ty have going the same though is that they are both GARBAGE DISPOSALS!! maybe its a boy thing..haha! love ya tons!!
OH MY GOODNESS!!! I absolutely love the little bits of info about how different the kids are! You seriously have the most adorable kids ever! :) I love the little changes that you've done to your page. Miss you guys!! Great job with the updates!!
Those pictures are so cute! I love that all three of my kids are all completely different, it makes life more fun! Daelyn is my out-going drama queen that is way too intelligent for her own good, Brendan is my easy-going, cuddley sweetheart who is going to make someone the best husband someday with his tender heart, and Cameron is my funny little devil who loves to get into trouble but then make you laugh when he gets caught and smiles at you with those big blue eyes and precious dimples.
This is soo darling! you are soo sweet! i love that you write all this stuff down! and LOVE the pictures! how precious they are!
My first two are complete opposites too! it is hilarious! and this little baby though 1 week old, is showing to be Completely different too! love her! oh my! OUR little babies,... SO much fun!
Too cute! Carson sounds exactly like Kyle! I guess we'll see what Brooklyn tuns out like soon! I totally love your blog!!
Cute post. Belle and Carson could be buds. She is and always as been a little fire ball.
Funny you should say that, Rachel and Sarah are to-tally different as well. Isn't it so strange to be used to one personality and then something completely new comes along?
What a beautiful family you have!! Can't wait for Bunko again.
Wait until you have your third and even they are totally different than the first two that you thought wee opposites...
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