Friday, February 8, 2008

Winter Day Fun!

We were having one of those days today, where we definitely needed to get out of the house!! I remember seeing the Living Planet Aquarium on my friend Anne Marie's blog and decided to give it a try! We packed a pb&j lunch and headed out!

Addie's favorite part was the jelly fish tank.


Heather said...

How fun! that looked like such a fun place!!! So cute!

Joy said...

Fun times. McD's icecream is delish!

Tiff and Rand said...

What a fun day! You're such a cute Mom. And I'm taking you up on your offer of helping me, come on over ANY TIME!!! You pick, do you want to pack, move or unpack? The sky's the limit, you can choose any of the amazing 3 choices! Hehe. See you at Bunko, I can't wait! It's been WAY too long! Love ya!