Tonight I was in my room getting ready for tomorrow when Adalie asked me to come in her bedroom cause she wanted to show me something. When I asked her what she wanted to show me she said, "her drawing board" So I walked in expecting to see some scribbles and this is what I saw!!!

I could not believe it!!!! She did this entire thing by herself! Adalie actually learned how to write her own name!! Last week she couldn't even write a letter and now she can do this?!! I am SO proud!!! As you can tell... she even corrected her "d's" that started out as "b's" Good job baby girl!!!
Holy cow!!! Do you want to come and teach Liliana?? She is so smart!!! That's crazy!
What a smart girl! (don't forget to put away five more dollars for our trip, he he he)
awwww...WAY TO GO ADDIE!!! :) Auntie Nicole is so proud. hehe. (HUGS)
That's pretty impressive! Good Job Addie!!
OH MY! that's awesome!
That is so awesome!! Such a smart little girl. Ps I love the picture of here totally zonked out on Easter!! Hope your job is going good!
Hey Lizz...of course I remember you! It was fun to see your cute kids...I didn't even know you had another one?? Glad things are going good for you. Tell Pete and Kami hi for me!
WOW! Go Addie, That's awesome!!
Lizz- so this is Emily Hesterman- it's so good to hear from you! You are looking awesome, as is your awesome family. Your kids are cute cute cute. That writing is pretty amazing! I hope you don't mind if I peek in.
That is so wonderful! how awesome!! way to go!!!
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