Well... a lot and nothing have been going on for the last while! I have completed my second week of being a full time working Mom and must admit I still LOVE it!! I do miss the kids, a lot, but work has been great. This is a picture of the building I work in, (and yes, it is the building that was just in the news for a stolen laptop) I work with the greatest people, and have the greatest boss!

Miss Addie has been so stimulated during the week, that on her down time, she is exhausted! She is loving "Pretty-school" and has already learned so much

Carson still is NOT walking... but has learned how to climb up and over ANYTHING!! The other day Tony and I found him climbing over the back side of the couch! And if you turn you head for 2 seconds he is up on the counter. I know most kids do that... but I just found it strange that he can climb everything but still doesn't walk?!!!

Your cutie pies are awesome! Glad that everyone is adjusting well to your new job and that you are happy. :) Love ya!
K so you better call me once things slow down so we can go to lunch since you work right down the street from me!
I'm sooo happy that it has been a good transition! What a blessing! How cute is that pic of Addie dead asleep!
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