Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Birthday Weekend!

So ya know how in some cultures, wedding and birthday celebrations last for days?? Well.. I had one of those birthdays!!! First, during the week, I got to go out to dinner with my girlfriends Joy, Alicia and Holly! We were laughing at the fact that for the 4 of us to go out to dinner.. we have to get a table for 11 because we bring 7 kids! HAHA I love you girls!

Then, on Friday night, my girlfriends Kat, Tiff, Brook and Keelee took me out to dinner at Tepanyaki!! It was fantastic!! This group of girls is hilarious!! I seriously never stop laughing! Its funny that we are all friends because I met all of them in completely different circumstances and yet they were all friends before I knew any of them!

(Me and Keelee)

(Brooke, Kat & Tiff)

Then on Saturday, my Mom, sister-in-laws Kami & Caroline and I went up to Park City for lunch and shopping!!! It was fabulous!! Sunday my family came over and we had a delicious barbecue and had a few Wii matches!!! Needless to say.. my weekend was wonderful! I have so many more pictures I want to post, but can't find my adapter for my memory card! As soon as I find it, I will post more pictures!

Thank you everyone!!


Heather said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY WEEK! wow! how fun! sounds like soo much fun! I LOVE japanese food! MMMMM GOOD! and shopping in Pcity! so much fun!!!

i totally hear you on going to dinner with like A MILLION kids. I feel like i am a travelling circus when i go anywhere lately... Plus it doesn't help that NO ONE has more then 2 kids out here! for real!

LOVE YOU! happy birthday!!

Blogful said...

I can't believe I missed your birthday! I must be donating all my brains to the bump. Sounds like you had a great one.

Josh and Tracy Wilson said...

I really do hope that you had a fabulous birthday, you deserve it. So, are we still on for Saturday, I don't think that I have to film this weekend!!

Anonymous said...

wish I could have been there! sounds like you had a blast girl! happy to hear that you have so many loved ones to celebrate your special day with you. love ya!

Brooke said...

It was WAY fun. I can't wait for Mother's Day weekend!!! I'm so glad your birthday turned out so well!

Cynthia said...

It was your bday. OMG Happy Birthday and good luck we will be thinking of you this thursday. Please let us know if we can do anything!

Lindsay said...

Happy (late) Birthday!! Sounds like you had a great day!!! You deserve it


happy birthday...i hope you had a good one. i am so sorry to hear about your little guy...so sad! good luck with round 2, hopefully it will workout.

Keelee said...

That was sooo fun! Next weekend is gonna be ridic..hah, did I really just say ridic?

Lindsay Wright said...

Happy Birthday girl! I hope you had a wonderful day, or few days at that! We still need to get together if you have some time!