Monday, March 17, 2008

A Day at the V.A.

Yesterday, Tony woke up in so much pain! His foot had hurt the day before, but nothing like when he woke up! I know boys can be a little dramatic.. but Tony woke up telling he he thought he had to have his foot cut off!! I was a little nervous because my new insurance doesn't kick in until the beginning of April, and right now, he is currently not insured. So I decided to call the VA Hospital and see if he was covered. To my usually unlucky surprise, they told me he was covered 100% at the VA! So we took him in to have his foot X-Rayed. Luckily, it was not broken, at least not that they can see at this point. They told him he probably stretched his tendons in a few different places but if the pain and swelling didn't stop in the next few days that he could have a hairline fracture. So, while we were sitting there, I of course had to get my camera out!! When Tony asked me what I was doing, I replied "blogging duh!"
Thanks babe for being such a good sport!
(Yes he is in shorts in the middle of a blizzard!)


Anonymous said...

What a scare! I'm glad that Tony was able to get it checked out. Hope he has full recovery very soon! Miss you guys!

AnneMarie said...

Ohhh no! Hope he heals quickly.

Cynthia said...

youch!! of course we can chill any time any day! just hollar :)

Heather said...

Bloggin babe!! I love that answer!!!! you are sooo darling! i am soo sorry that happened to him! how AWFUL!!

I am soo glad that he is alright though!

Brooke said...

That sucks! Hope he gets feelin' better. So excited to see you tomorrow!!!

Rachael and Justin said...

Hey Liz, It's Rachael "Nacey" Dazley. How have you been? That's too bad Tony hurt his foot. Broken bones is right up Justins alley. I've seen more xrays of broken bones than pictures of my family lately. I love your blog! I need to learn how to do all the cute scrapbooking backrounds.

Keelee said...

Scary!! Hope he's okay. Just wanted to let you know I'm so glad we have our little Bunko group, I freaken love you!!!

Josh and Tracy Wilson said...

I am so glad that we got to go to luch today. I had a great time... now we just need to start planning our trip to Hawaii to visit Ashley!!

The Nye's said...

That is too bad about Tony. I hope he gets feeling better soon. I'm glad you are enjoying your job. Hope you had a happy easter.