Carson went in today for his second tympanostomie (tubes) surgery. This time they also had to remove his adenoids. Let me tell you how excited I was when they told me to have him there at 6:30 am!!! Wake up a 1 year old AND tell him he can't have a bottle.... not a good combo!

You've got to love the Looney Toons gown!

Carson is such a cuddler!

This was as soon as they let us back into recover!

They had us sit in a Pediatric Recovery room until he was discharged. Apparently Tony needed to recover from his lack of sleep as well!

My sweet baby boy!! He was so groggy and his throat hurt so bad!! (They removed his adenoids through his mouth/throat) He's been a sleep most of the time we have been home, but when he's awake he is so upset!! Hopefully the tylenol with codeine will kick in for him soon!!!
poor carsie boy! i'm so happy to hear all went well! hopefully this will be the end of his ear infections. give him a kiss for me.
(hugs & cuddles) for sweet lil' you guys!
He looks so cute huging his stuffed animal! I hope he get's well SOON!
awwwww poor baby. I hope everything goes smoothly for him from here on out.
oh my..I just want to cry looking at these pictures.
kind of laughing at tony sleeping least he got the comfortable chair this time :)
reminds me of his dad laying in my hospital bed when I was getting ready to leave the hospital after tony's birth..hahaha.
I want to give him a hug in person..what a sweetheart.
love grandma tori
poor little guy! I hope those darn ear infections will stop now! I'm glad to hear things went well. Hugs and kisses for a quick recovery!
Oh, i am so sorry. That can't be fun, but hopefully it will help in the long run. Oh and that tylenol with codiene is wonderful stuff. No wonder he has been sleeping all day. That will probably knock him out.
Ohhhhhh, poor thing. Give him lots of ice cream and popcicles for me... oh and a BIG hug :( So, when are we getting together?!?
Poor little guy. :( I hope things are all sorted out for him now...
Oh sad!! Poor little guy, hope he's doing a little better now. Missed you at Bunko tonight.
OOOH MY GOSH! I am so sorry lizz! that is soo awful! poor baby! you poor thing! I hope he is doing alright! poor thing!!!
OH my gosh! I found your blog and I love it!! It makes me sad that you have to go through that with your little boy! I hope that all is well!
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