Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Many of you have asked me about the group I am in called Citrine. I thought I would let all of you know of our upcoming show this weekend! We will be performing at the Brigham Young Historical Park (Concert in the Park) this Friday the 11th @ 8:00pm. The park is located on the southeast corner of State Street and North Temple. It is going to be a lot of fun.... and its free!!!


Josh and Tracy Wilson said...

HI! I am filming on Friday, but if I am done early than you know that I will be there :)

Tiff and Rand said...

Can I tell you how mad I am right now? Concerts in the Park are a tradition for Juli and I, we love them and go to atleast one concert each summer. We both would absolutely LOVE to go to this one for sure, but of course we have to have a family reunion that very same weekend. Grrr! We were talking about jamming just the other day though and Juli still really really really wants to do it. I want to come just to hang out and listen to you awesomely talented ladies! Let me know when you can all get together, k?

erin and shaun said...

I would love lunch! I am at work through Saturday this week. Next week I am off Monday but will be there Tues-Fri. Are you coming up to the hospital anytime soon?

Heather said...

OH! i wish i could be there! how awesome! good luck!