Wednesday, July 2, 2008

My Addie Grace Bug!

My sweet little Addie Grace Bug!  I wanted to share a few quick things about Addie.  Last night we went to Blockbuster.  She HAD to rent Micky Mouse Musketeers!  As soon as the movie was over, she came running around the house in this lovely Musketeer get-up! 

She had on everything from gloves, a cape, a hat...WITH feather and her sword!
I wanted to throw in these pictures because they are so cute!! On Sunday Adalie let me curl her hair.  She sits incredibly still and always tells me "I look beautiful don't I Mom"
Now we just need to work on that posed smile!
Now for her update.  We went back to the ENT today.  There was some good news and some not so good news.  The good news is, her tonsils looked much better.  As of now we do not need to remove them!  The not so good news.... her hearing has gotten even worse.  So we are off to Primary Children's!!  Does anyone have a daily supply of Valium they could share with me?!  No, I'm just kidding.  I'm just feeling like it is one thing after another!!!  However, it could be much worse, so i should be grateful!


Brooke said...

I'm sorry about her hearing! That sucks so bad that you have to deal with that. Poor little cute girl. She looks so cute with her hair curly! I totally miss you too! We need to get together soon. I can't believe you're not in bunco anymore! It's sad!

Caroline said...

I have such a cutie-pie niece! She is SO creative and beautiful!

Cassie said...

Cute pics. The 4th looked fun. Thanks for the text. Your the sweetest girl.