Update on the kids: I took Adalie back to the ENT yesterday. He looked in both ears and sure enough... the infections were gone! But he looked a little confused. He said her ear drums were an unusual color and shape. So then we went and did the hearing tests. One ear is almost completely better and the other still has over a 20% loss. So, now what?... Well, since the next step (Primary Children's.... something about audio..blah blah and hearing aid blah blah) is a bit more intense, he asked that we come back one more time for one more test before he sends us up to Primary's. So you will all have to wait for 2 more weeks for the next update!!
Now Carson: We had to be up at Primary's at 6:30 this morning! It was just me and the boy! He started out pretty happy playing with the toys.

Then they took us back to a patient room and had him change. At this point he started getting hungry and just cried "ba ba! ba ba!"

The procedure itself (tear duct probing and ballooning) only took about 35 minutes, but Carson had a hard time waking up. They also said he was doing a lot of "breath holding" so they had to keep him on oxygen. This was Carson when they first let me back to recovery.

He kept tearing out his I.V. so they had to temporarily cast it on!

He is home now and doing well! Just really sleepy. I'll be sure to give an update in the next few days. Thanks for all your love and support! We've needed it!
I'm so happy to hear everything went well!! He looks so precious laying there sleeping! I am so sorry you've had a bit of a rough patch. Keep your chin up, things will get better. We love you so much.. and we are here if you ever need anything-and I mean anything! Give Carsie-Boy a kiss for me.
good luck lizz that is so hard...primaries isnt a fun plcae to visit...
hope it all comes to an end here for you in the next little bit. we are thinking and praying for you guys.
im glad the surgery went well. Didn't mean to catch you at rehearsal last night- sorry! Don't worry- with all this crap being thrown at you now, you're bound to get something really good soon! Should we go to vegas? I've got an inkling someone might win megabucks! : )
Carson looks so peaceful there sleeping. I hope he is feeling better. I hope Addie is hearing 100% soon too! I miss you.
I am so sorry to hear about your kids-this must have been a tough couple of weeks. My twins keep getting ear infections so we are headed in for hearing tests this week and then on to the ENT for possible tubes. It is good to hear that everything went well with your sweet Carson and good luck with Addie. :)
ps. sorry I accidentally deleted my comment!
OH my gosh! Poor baby! i can't believe all that! Lizz! i am so sorry! but, i am SO happy that things are going better!! you guys... i can't believe it all! what a little darling he is!
Poor little kids! That's rough...for kids and mommy! I'm afraid we might be heading down a similar road! Good Luck! Glad it all went well!
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