Thursday, June 12, 2008

Updates (Yes, this has been the title of my last few posts!)

So, I know that I have titled my last few posts as Updates (of some sort) but that is because there are so many events in each post, that I can't really give them a specific name!

The first picture is of my darling baby girl!!! She is growing up SO fast! She is the love of my life and my absolute angel!! It is so crazy to think she will be turning 4!

This picture is pretty funny, but has a great story! So my friend Anne-Marie (she's on the far right) is a fantastic musician. She played in a concert at Carnegie Hall in NY with Bobbie McFarren and a few other talented musicians a few weeks ago. One of the musician's she met was Shola (standing next to Anne-Marie). Well.. Shola is a member of STOMP... so naturally since STOMP was in town, she called up her friend Anne-Marie. Shola came to one of our Citrine rehearsals and we got to hang out for a bit after that. So Saturday we went to the show and got to hang out with Shola and meet the cast afterwards! It was a BLAST! The other two in the photo are my sister-in-law Kami and Anne-Marie's sister Karen.

LIAM!!! Oh my word! My newest nephew Liam is 5 weeks old now and is such an adorable baby!! In fact, adorable doesn't even cut it!! You can not get any cuter than my nephews!!
The Greatest Thing Since Easy-Mac
At least that's what my kids think! This is the new play house my Mom and Dad got that the kids are obsessed with!!

Carson's Physical Therapy
How does this look? A dream come true to any 18 month old! This is Carson's physical therapy room. At first he was a bit skeptical, but by the end he was loving it! They started out checking a few different range of motions and noticed that his entire left side is significantly weaker than his right.
She did a ton of exercises with him using his left side.... including making him blow bubbles using his left hand.

My mom was really good to come with me and helped him with his exercises so I could take pictures!!

Carson LOVED the ball pit!! It really had nothing to do with his appointment today, but we let him play anyway!

Diagnosis: ... none! Don't you love how that goes! They did note that his left side, like I said before, is significantly weaker and mentioned the possibility of it being caused by an Inter-uterine Stroke (so a stroke while he was still in the womb) But we don't know for sure. We will see if and how much he improves in the next 2 weeks before his next session. If there has not been a dramatic improvement, we will go up to Primary's and see a neurologist!

Carson's Parting Gift....

This lovely new ankle brace...thingy.... haha! They noticed that he definitely rolls his ankle in when he drags his leg, so they are starting here and trying to strengthen it. He actually doesn't mind it too much and I think was walking better yesterday!!!! So here is to dramatic improvement??!!!!

Last but not least, a picture from my friend Heather Biesinger's wedding reception! In the photo... Alicia, myself, Jenn Best (I don't know her married last name) and... I actually don't know the girl on the ends name!... but it was fun!


erin and shaun said...

I'm glad you got to therapy! How weird! Go Carson! Get better soon!

Cassie said...

Hey if you ever want to bring Addie over when you go to therapy let me know. They'd have fun. We need to get together. Let me know when you work and all that kind of stuff. I hope you are doing okay!?! Love ya girl


Hey it was fun to see you at the mall your Carson is so dang cute. Good luck with therapy i hope they can diagnos something soon.

Caroline said...

So glad the therapy went well- maybe the new playground will also help him out ;) Seems like you have been uber-busy. Don't forget to take a break!

Heather said...

OH my gosh! k,. i love your playground in the backyard! how fun for the kids! wow that your baby girl is turning 4! isn't that crazy??

Good luck with the therapy! I hope everything continues to work out!!
you are the best!

love you!

Josh and Tracy Wilson said...

WOW, I can't believe she is turning four... so is Brendan, WEIRD! She looks so grown up in that cute picture. And I hope that Carson responds well to the physical therapy. I can't get over how cute he is in his little glasses :) Call me so that we can find a time to get together and play 870-7902. Love ya!

Brittany said...

Oh my gosh...your life! Anyway I have a new blog address because of some change the old link and come to the new one!! It is all the same ol' stuff. My last name has to go though....I was contacted by some real crazies and they knew way too much!